Flush DNS on Windows 11 – Quick Step Guide

how to flush dns windows 11

Flushing the DNS cache on Windows 11 can make your network work better. It’s a way to solve network problems. The DNS cache saves info on websites you’ve visited. But, this data can get messed up or too much, causing issues like slow connections.

By flushing the DNS cache, your computer starts fresh with looking up website info. You can do this using Command Prompt, Windows PowerShell, or the Run command.

What Does Flush DNS Cache Do

The Domain Name System (DNS) cache is like a short-term memory for website IP addresses. It helps your computer find websites faster. Yet, this memory could fill with old or wrong data. This can make the internet slow and cause trouble.

When this happens, you should flush the DNS cache. Flushing it gets rid of the old stuff. Then, your computer will ask for brand new information each time you visit a website.

Why Windows 11 users should flush the DNS cache

  1. Network Issue Resolution: It fixes problems by removing out-of-date or wrong data from the cache.
  2. Improved Connectivity: This makes your connections to websites and services better.
  3. Prevention of Malicious DNS Spoofing: It also helps stop attacks that lead to unsafe websites or stolen messages.

Here’s how to flush the DNS on Windows 11

  1. Command Prompt: Using Command Prompt, open it as an admin. Type “ipconfig /flushdns” and hit Enter to clear the cache.
  2. Windows PowerShell: You can choose Windows PowerShell too. Open it as an admin, type “Clear-DnsClientCache“, and press Enter to flush.
  3. Run Command: Or, you can do it right through the Run command. Hit Win + R, enter “ipconfig /flushdns“, and press Enter to clear the cache.

Pick the way you like best and do as instructed to flush the DNS cache on Windows 11. This keeps your network working well, cuts connection problems, and makes sure you get the right web information.

How to View the Current DNS Cache

Check DNS cache on Windows 11 to help fix issues. This gives you a look at network connections. You can then decide if clearing DNS cache is necessary. To view the cache:

  1. Open Command Prompt as an admin. Find it in the Start menu, then choose “Run as administrator” when you right-click it.
  2. Type ipconfig /displaydns in the window that appears and hit Enter. This will show your current DNS cache.

Knowing the cache aids in fixing DNS problems. It’s very helpful if your internet isn’t working or you can’t reach certain sites.


Record NameTypeTime to Live (TTL)Data LengthSection

Looking at these records, you can see if the cache is right and fix any issues. It makes solving DNS problems easier.

Method 1 – Flush DNS Cache Windows 11 via Command Prompt

Want to clear your Windows 11 computer’s DNS cache? Using Command Prompt is easy and quick. Just follow these steps. You’ll freshen up your network and boost its performance.

  1. Start by opening Command Prompt as an administrator. Right-click the Start button. Choose “Command Prompt (Admin)”.
  2. In the window that opens, type ipconfig /flushdns.
  3. Hit Enter to run the command.

You’ll get a message confirming success. It says “Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.” Your computer is now set to look for new DNS info when visiting sites.

Flushing the DNS cache this way is a smart move. It helps fix network issues and keeps your DNS info current on Windows 11.

Why Use Command Prompt to Flush DNS Cache on Windows 11?

Clearing the DNS cache with Command Prompt is fast and efficient. Use the ipconfig /flushdns command. This removes old or bad DNS data. Your network will run better and browsing will be smoother.

If your network is slow or has trouble connecting, this method can help. It fixes those issues and makes online activities more enjoyable.

Method 2 – Flush DNS Cache Windows 11 via Windows PowerShell

Want to flush DNS cache on Windows 11? You can use Windows PowerShell. It’s great for advanced tasks. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open Windows PowerShell as an administrator. Do this by searching for its name in the Start menu. Then, right-click and choose “Run as administrator.”
  2. With Windows PowerShell open, type in a command to clear the cache:


  • Hit Enter after you’ve typed the command.
  • You’ll see the cache being cleared in the PowerShell window.

This way, using Windows PowerShell, is good if CMD isn’t working or you like PowerShell. Remember, always flush the DNS cache now and then. This keeps your network running smoothly by making sure the DNS info is current.

Using PowerShell is a neat method to flush DNS cache. It’s a different way that can be handy for some users.

Comparison of DNS Flush Methods on Windows 11

MethodCommandAdministration RequiredAdditional Features
Command Promptipconfig /flushdnsYesCommon and straightforward method
Windows PowerShellClear-DnsClientCacheYesAlternative method for advanced users
Run Commandipconfig /flushdnsNoQuick and convenient method

The table shows three ways to flush DNS on Windows 11. Pick the one you like or need. Command Prompt is simple. PowerShell is for those who know their stuff. The Run Command is easy and quick, with no tools needed.

So, you’ve learned a new method with Windows PowerShell. Now, feel confident to flush DNS on your Windows 11. It’s a good trick to know. Enjoy using this alternate way!

Method 3 – Flush DNS Cache Windows 11 via the Run Command

You can flush DNS cache on Windows 11 from the Run command. It’s a quick way to clear the DNS cache. You don’t have to use Command Prompt or PowerShell. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Press the Win + R keys to open the Run box.
  2. Type ipconfig /flushdns in the box.
  3. Hit Enter.

Pressing Enter will flush the DNS cache. This clears out all the saved info. It can help when you’re having DNS trouble or need to get fresh DNS data.

Clearing the DNS cache often is smart. It helps your PC get the latest DNS info. This makes your network work better. It’s great for fixing slow or no-connect problems.

Remember, flushing DNS is easy and helps a lot. It can fix network issues and make browsing smoother on Windows 11.

What is DNS Cache?

A DNS cache is like a memory bank for websites you’ve visited. Your browser asks a DNS server for a site’s IP address when you type in its name. It then remembers this info to make loading sites faster the next time you visit.

Imagine it as a shortcut. Instead of needing to look up the address again, your computer already knows it. This can make websites load quicker.

Yet, if this memory gets mixed up or old, it can cause problems. Flushing the DNS cache means you clear out this old or wrong info. It helps your computer find the correct info again when visiting websites. Doing this clean-up is a good idea whenever you have trouble connecting to a site or it doesn’t look right.

Improves website loading timesPotential issues if cache becomes corrupted
Reduces server response timesMay contain outdated information
Can cause network connectivity problems

Why Would You Flush DNS?

You might want to flush your DNS cache for a few reasons. One reason is to stop DNS spoofing. This is when bad guys change the DNS cache to lead you to bad websites. Flushing the DNS cache makes sure your computer gets the right, fresh info from websites. This helps lower the chance of falling for bad tricks.

Flush the DNS cache to fix issues like seeing a 404 error or not getting to a website. The DNS cache might get messed up or have old stuff, which can cause problems. Clearing the cache makes your computer get new DNS info. This can fix the issues you’re having.

Also, flushing the cache can make your internet history more private. When you browse, your computer remembers sites in the DNS cache. Clearing this cache deletes that info, making it harder for others to peek at your browsing history.

It’s smart to flush the DNS cache sometimes. This can help keep data private and fix DNS problems. With the right steps, you can flush the DNS cache on your Windows 11 and have a safer browsing time.

The Benefits of Flushing the DNS Cache:

  • Prevents DNS spoofing and enhances security
  • Resolves issues such as 404 errors or website access problems
  • Improves data privacy by clearing stored browsing information
  • Maintains accurate and up-to-date DNS information

Flushing the DNS cache is a good move for fixing network problems or keeping your browsing history private. Know the good things about doing it and how to do it. Then, you can clear the DNS cache on your Windows 11 computer and enjoy safer surfing.

How to Flush DNS on Mac OS X

To clear the DNS cache on your Mac OS X, here is what you need to do:

  1. Go to Finder on your Mac.
  2. Click on Applications > Utilities.
  3. Select Terminal.
  4. In the Terminal, type: sudo dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder.
  5. Hit Enter.
  6. The system will ask for your admin password.
  7. Type your password and hit Enter.

After you follow these steps, the DNS cache on your Mac OS X is cleaned. Now your computer will get new DNS info whenever you browse. This will help your computer work better and give you the right info from websites.

Clearing the DNS cache helps with fixing DNS problems and network issues. This makes sure your Mac OS X runs well when you are online.

How to Flush DNS on Windows 10 & 11

To refresh the DNS cache on Windows 10 and 11, you follow the same steps. Here’s how to do it. This ensures your network works better.

  1. Click the Start button to open the Start menu.
  2. In the search bar, type “Command Prompt”.
  3. Right-click on the Command Prompt app. Then choose “Run as administrator” from the menu that appears. If the system asks for admin login, do as it says.
  4. The Command Prompt window will pop up. Type ipconfig /flushdns into it.
  5. Press Enter to run this command.
  6. A note will appear saying, “Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache”.

This action deletes the DNS cache on both Windows 10 and 11. It makes sure your PC gets the latest DNS info. As a result, your network connects better.

It’s worth doing this regularly to keep your network up and safe. By doing these steps, you’ll refresh the DNS cache on Windows 10 and 11. This will make your web surfing smoother.

How to Flush DNS on Windows 7, XP, and Vista

Flushing the DNS cache is easy on Windows 7, XP, or Vista. Here’s how:

  1. Click the Start button at your screen’s bottom left.
  2. Go to All Programs > Accessories.
  3. Pick Command Prompt.
  4. Right-click it and choose “Run as administrator”.
  5. If needed, enter your admin login details.
  6. Type ipconfig /flushdns in the window, then press Enter.
  7. A message will say the DNS cache was flushed successfully.

This action ensures your Windows 7, XP, or Vista PC grabs the most recent DNS details. It makes your network run better.

Windows Versions and DNS Flush Commands

Windows VersionDNS Flush Command
Windows 7ipconfig /flushdns
Windows XPipconfig /flushdns
Windows Vistaipconfig /flushdns

Common Steps for Flushing DNS Cache

  1. Start by clicking the Start button.
  2. Find the command prompt or terminal.
  3. Run the command as an admin.
  4. Using ipconfig /flushdns, hit Enter.
  5. You’ll get a message that it worked.

Flushing DNS on Windows 7, XP, and Vista helps fix network problems. It guarantees accurate DNS info. Just follow these steps for better network performance.


Flushing the DNS cache on Windows 11 can solve network issues and help make connections better. You can do this with the Command Prompt, Windows PowerShell, or the Run command. It’s a good idea to clear the DNS cache sometimes. This keeps your network running well and helps prevent security problems.

Following these steps makes it easy to clear the DNS cache on your Windows 11 computer. This leads to a better internet browsing experience. Remember to clear the DNS cache when you face problems or want to update DNS info. This action can fix connection problems and keep your DNS data current.

Using the right method from this guide will let you easily clear your DNS cache on Windows 11. Whether you have trouble with DNS, slow network speeds, or just want everything to work better, clearing the DNS cache often helps. It’s a simple and good way to solve these issues.

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